
In end of September I did a talk for around 300 designers at Design Matters in Copenhagen. The talk was about creating meaningful Internet of Things products. The talk drew on my experience over the last two years of developing an easy-to-use smart lighting product for IKEA. If you are interested and want to know more,

'The Responsible Designer' is a talk I''ve done many times for different design studios and design conferences. It is a personal talk about how we as designers can make things real and our responsibility in making sure that the sketches we make turn into tangible experiences for the end users. The advice and recommendations are

It is obvious that the tools we use impact our perspective, our approach and generally everything we create. Design is a complex, multifaceted discipline that requires an understanding of all the different components that impact the user experience. As such we need a diverse tool-set for things like visual design, flows, testing and animation.

Nobody starts out being the best at anything and there is only one to get there – continuous learning and improvement. It is no surprise that professional athletes (and adamant amateurs) spend hours upon hours tweaking and adjusting their approach and technique. You need to spend a lot of time reflecting and inspecting what you